
Carey and Prieto behind insurance deal in Chile

By January 21, 2019 October 13th, 2020 No Comments

Ene 21, 2019 | Latin Lawyer

Fredrik Karlsson
21 January 2019
Carey has helped insurance company Solunion Chile buy HDI Seguros’ credit
insurance portfolio.
Prieto advised the seller. The deal closed on 4 December. No value was disclosed.
The transaction strengthens Solunion’s speciality in credit insurance. The company
is a joint venture between France’s Euler Hermes and Spain’s Mapfre.
Counsel to Solunion Chile Seguros de Crédito
Partner Matías Vergara and associate Jorge Soto
Counsel to HDI Seguros
In-house counsel – Mónica Vera
Partner Patricio Prieto Larraín