Prieto advised the state owned company Empresa Portuaria Iquique in the process conducted before the Competition Tribunal, in order to set the conditions under which the private concession of the…
Prieto y Cía. advises the US company Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (“DTCC”) in the sale of its participation of 10% in Depósito Central de Valores, (“DCV”) to the current…
Prieto y Cía. acted as legal counsel for Aguas Andinas S.A. in a 2 million unidades de fomento (UF) denominated bonds (approximately USD 85 million). The 23 year bond was…
Prieto y Cía. assisted Watt’s S.A. in the acquisition of 100% of the equity interest in Agrícola Frutos del Maipo Limitada, one of Chile’s leading companies in the food business…
Prieto y Cía. advised Yamana Gold Inc. , in two successful collective bargaining processes. (2014)
Prieto y Cia. advised Corp Group Vida Chile S.A., a member of the CChC group and holding of the insurance companies CorpVida y CorpSegruos, in the acquisition from Mass Mutual…
Prieto y Cía. advised Inversiones La Construcción S.A. in the association agreement reached with Baninter for the acquisition and takeover of Banco Internacional.(2014)
Prieto y Cía. advised Inversiones La Construcción S.A. in the agreement reached with Prudential Financial Inc. for the sell of part of its stake in AFP Habitat.(2014)