Transactions 2016


By September 6, 2016 No Comments

Prieto advised E.CL S.A. (nowadays “Engie Chile”), in a highly-competitive, international and private bidding process aimed to select a strategic partner in its affiliate Transmisora Eléctrica del Norte S.A. (“TEN”), after which Red Eléctrica Internacional S.A. resulted as awarded bidder, acting through its subsidiary Red Eléctrica Chile. Red Eléctrica Chile acquired 50% of the share capital of TEN in USD 218 million. Both Engie Chile and Red Eléctrica Chile will participate jointly in the construction and commercial development of the Mejillones – Cardones 500 kV power transmission line project in Chile of 600 km in length allowing the interconnection of Chile’s Central and Northern Electricity Grids. The project, is already in its construction phase, involving an investment of approximately US$ 781 million. (2016)