
“José Andrés Pascual is an extraordinary adviser who knows how to take care of clients’ interests. He is very thoughtful and flexible.”

Legal 500, 2025.

José Andrés Pascual is the head of the Compliance department at Prieto.

He advises national and international clients across a wide range of industries (Food, Banking, Energy, Fishing and Aquaculture, Healthcare and Pension, Transportation, and Last-Mile Logistics) on all matters related to Compliance. This includes the design or updating of crime prevention systems in line with Law 20,393 -criminal liability of legal entities- and Law 19,913 -which establishes the Financial Analysis Unit -UAF- and modifies various provisions on money laundering and asset laundering-, internal or external investigations, training, and contractual negotiations.

Additionally, participates in Mergers and Acquisitions processes and provides advice on Corporate matters. Also has experience in labor law and judicial matters, as well as in the negotiation, execution, interpretation, and/or disputes related to fuel supply contracts, grain supply contracts, and maritime transportation contracts.

José Andrés Pascual has been a speaker at various events related to the field of Compliance, such as those organized by ESE Business School (the Business School of Universidad de Los Andes), the Chilean-American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM), and the Chilean-Australian Chamber of Commerce (AUSCHAM).

He has been recognized in multiple international rankings as a leading partner in the Compliance area and previously in the Energy and Natural Resources area.

Between 2010 and 2011 he worked as International Lawyer at Dechert LLP, New York.

José Andrés joined Prieto in 2005 and has been partner since 2016.


  • LLM, University of Chicago, EEUU (2010)
  • Diploma in Managerial Labor and Social Security Laws, Pontificia Universidad Católica (2006)
  • Law Degree, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2006)


  • Legal 500, “Leading Individual”, Compliance (2022 a la fecha)
  • Chambers & Partners: “Energy and Natural Resources” (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)


  • Member of the Corporate Governance and Compliance Committee of AmCham Chile (2022 – currently)
  • American Bar Association (2024 – currently)


December 3, 2024 in Compliance Publications, Featured, José Andrés Pascual, Josefina Olmedo, Legal News, María Jesús Becerra, Publications, Rocío Yáñez

Los primeros 15 años de vigencia de la Ley 20.393

El 2 de diciembre del 2009 se publicó en el Diario Oficial la Ley 20.393, la cual “establece la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas en los delitos que indica” (indistintamente la…
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October 4, 2024 in Compliance, Compliance Publications, Featured, José Andrés Pascual, Josefina Olmedo, Legal News, María Jesús Becerra, Publications, Rocío Yáñez

Ley 20.393 Reglamento sobre la figura de la supervisión de la persona jurídica: ¿cuáles son sus principales disposiciones?

El 2 de septiembre pasado entraron en vigencia las modificaciones que la Ley 21.595 sobre delitos económicos (“LDE”) introdujo al texto de la Ley 20.393, que establece la responsabilidad penal…
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August 29, 2024 in José Andrés Pascual, Press

De la Ley de Delitos Económicos a la Ley Karin, cómo avanza la cultura del compliance y los desafíos que plantea en las empresas

Agosto 29, 2024 | Diario Financiero | LEER
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March 28, 2024 in Compliance, Compliance, Compliance Publications, Diego Madariaga, Featured, José Andrés Pascual, Josefina Olmedo, Legal News, María Jesús Becerra, Newsletter, Publications, Rocío Yáñez, Romina Garrido

Publicación de la Ley N° 21.659 sobre Seguridad Privada

Con fecha 21 de marzo de 2024, y tras casi catorce años de discusión legislativa, se publicó en el Diario Oficial la Ley N° 21.659 sobre seguridad privada (“Ley”), que…
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January 2, 2024 in Compliance, Compliance, Compliance Publications, Diego Madariaga, Featured, Fernando Rodríguez, José Andrés Pascual, Josefina Olmedo, Newsletter, Publications, Rocío Yáñez

Newsletter Compliance Enero

1. Aprobación de la “Estrategia Nacional de Integridad Pública” - Resolución Exenta N° 1.096 de 2023 El 4 de diciembre de 2023, el Congreso aprobó la “Estrategia Nacional de Integridad Pública” (“ENIP”).…
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August 18, 2023 in Agustín Martorell, Andrea Von Chrismar, Antitrust, Benjamín Grebe, Compliance, Compliance Publications, Corporate, Cristóbal Raby, Environment, Featured, Fernando Bravo, José Andrés Pascual, Labor, Newsletter, Publications, Romina Tobar

Ley de Delitos Económicos

Con fecha 17 de agosto de 2023 se publicó en el Diario Oficial la Ley 21.595 de Delitos Económicos (“LDE”). A continuación, los invitamos a leer un resumen sobre los principales…
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