Prieto has been an ongoing counselor in gas pipeline projects, natural gas purchase and transportation contracts and the bidding processes and development of liquid natural gas projects, such as Quintero and Mejillones. With an extremely active role in the transportation and distribution of liquid fuels and gas, Prieto represents domestic and international clients in the construction and financing of gas pipeline projects and gas sales transactions to power generating plants, and also in M&A operations regarding companies and assets involved in this sector, among others.

In this area, Prieto has represented its clients in drawing up gas purchase contracts (GPAs), gas transportation contracts (GTAs), take-or-pay sales and construction contracts (EPCs), among others, and before the authorities, the regular courts of law, the Antitrust Court and in arbitration procedures.

Likewise, our Firm permanently advises its clients regarding bidding and negotiation processes of short and long term solid fuels supply contracts (i.e. bituminous and sub-bituminous coal, limestone and other sorbents), along with the negotiation of charter party or alike maritime transportation contracts, rendering also advise to clients involved in disputes with suppliers and transporters and regarding port and customs matters.