Benjamín Grebe is the head of the Antitrust and Insolvency & Reorganization areas at Prieto.
In the Antitrust area, he has advised clients on compliance programs and preventive consultations related to distribution structures, vertical restraints, agreements between competitors, among others. He also advises and represents clients in merger review processes led by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office (FNE), investigations into alleged unilateral and collective abuse, and alleged cartel cases, including leniency applications for clients, both preventively and before the FNE and the Competition Tribunal (TDLC), across various industries such as retail, food, ports, banking, regulated services, transportation, financial services, real estate, insurance, etc.
He also leads the Insolvency, Liquidation, and Corporate Reorganization area and actively participates in financial restructurings, representing both creditors and debtors in the most prominent cases in the country in recent years.
Previously, he played an active role for several years in M&A transactions across various industries. Before that, he worked in the firm’s arbitration and litigation area, representing clients in all types of civil, commercial, and administrative disputes.
Benjamín has been a speaker at various national and international conferences, such as the International Bar Association.
Throughout his career, Benjamín has been recognized in several international rankings, including Chambers and Partners, Legal 500, and Leaders League, in the areas of Antitrust and Insolvency & Reorganization.
Benjamín joined Prieto in 1998 and has been a partner since 2010.
- Diploma in the Economics of Competition, Fundamentals for Attorneys, Universidad de Los Andes (2007)
- LLM, Warwick University (2005)
- Law Degree, Universidad Finis Terrae (Summa Cum Laude) (1998)
- Chambers & Partners: Competition/ Antitrust (2011 – currently)
- Chambers & Partners: Bankruptcy and Reestructuring (2017 – currently)
- The Legal 500: “Leading Individual”, Competition/ Antitrust (2016 – currently)
- Francisco Bulnes Ripamonti prize (for the best student in his class), Universidad Finis Terrae (1996)
- Member of the Chilean Bar Association
- Member of the Board, Fundación Pro Bono Chile (2020 – currently)
- Co – Chair Latin American Regional Forum (LARF), International Bar Association
- International Bar Association
- Arbitrators roster of the National Arbitration
- Professor in the Diploma in Insolvency program at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- “Access to Files in Competition Law Investigations,” CeCo Research (2022)
- “Digital Platforms and Conglomerate Risks: Challenges for Competition Authorities in Ibero-America in Merger Analysis,” Themis Law Review 79, pp. 359–372 (2021)
- “Towards a Leniency Program 2.0 in Chile,” CeCo Research (2020)
- “The objectives of the law in defending competition law and the Chilean System created by Law 19,911” Law Review of the Universidad Finis Terrae , Year IX, #9
- “System of Proof of Retail Collusion,” Chapter VIII, written with José Luis Prieto and María Teresa Vial in Competition Law and the Retail Industry, Editorial Libromar, edited by Paulo Montt R. and Nicole Nehme Z., September 2010.